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Receiving and Moving Services

Moving Services

Office Moves-Moving and relocating offices is a service we provide to the university. Following the guidelines listed below will make for an easier move on all parties involved.

Requirements for Moves

  1. Contact the Receiving and Moving Services Department two weeks prior to move (
  2. All computer equipment should be disconnected. All cords should be disconnected, rolled up, and placed in a box. The monitor is the only piece of computer equipment that has a cord that cannot be disconnected.
  3. All file cabinets, bookcases, desk, credenzas, and the like should be emptied. We will not move any of the above listed if they are full.
  4. All books and other items should be boxed securely. Meaning that a lid can be placed on the box or the box can be taped. Do not overload boxes. A box with items hanging out the top or the sides cannot be stacked.
  5. Label everything that is to be moved. Put the destination on the outside of furniture, computer equipment, boxes, anything that is to be moved. Label everything!!!!!!!!!!!!

Following the above requirements will help insure the move run smoothly and quickly.

Hints for an Easier Move

  1. Close the office to pack and move.
  2. The department of Receiving and Moving Services does not supply boxes. Boxes may be obtained at Printing Services or the University Bookstore. If neither of these places have boxes they may be purchased through an outside vendor.
  3. Be completely ready to move when we arrive. Please do not be packing while we are moving. Be ready when we arrive.
  4. Remember, we move university equipment only. We do not move personal belongings. Please be prepared to move any personal items on your own.
  5. It is our hope, the department of Receiving and Moving Services, that these requirements and hints help make your office relocation easier and less stressful. If anyone has any questions please feel free to give me a call. I can be reached at extension 2959 or .

    Audio Visual Equipment – Moving audio/visual equipment from the Learning Resources Center Audio/Visual Services to classrooms and other venues is another service we provide the university. We require a minimum of a one week notice to facilitate an audio/visual request. When submitting an a/v request please provide the following information. An itemized list of the equipment to be moved. The destination, the delivery date and return date for the equipment. Please be aware that any equipment checked out is the responsibility of the person who reserved the equipment and/or their respective department. The Receiving and Moving Services Department will not be held liable for damage or theft to the equipment.Plant Request – We also deliver plants from the university greenhouse to campus locations for any number of functions. When submitting a plant request please provide the following information. We need the delivery date, the destination and the return date.Other moving services – We have moved specialty items and other things that do not qualify to be classified as furniture, office equipment, audio/visual equipment or plants. We can move anything within reason, or at least try. If it is beyond our capability or resources to move an item we will let you know. The university has a supplementary moving contract that allows departments to hire outside contractors for some moving needs. Check with Procurement Services for information on that contract.Submitting a request for any of the above listed services is as easy as sending a direct email to the Receiving Department,

Contact Us

Department of Receiving and Moving Services

(615) 898-2959